Friday, April 01, 2005

After Easter...

I am at La Trobe and the campus is quiet, mainly staff and a few students: an autumn day and peaceful. Due to the wireless revolution I am writing this in Caffeine, the main coffee house in the centre of the campus.

I might take some time and try to add a few sermons into the mix on this page. Not too close, but reachable, so that anyone who wants to know how I see, and phrase, my belief can follow a link and find my more didactic stuff, but that's not a primary aim here. What is that, you ask? Well, Peter Berger titled one book, A Rumour of Angels; I guess I am trying to allow the hint that there might be an opening into transcendence that can be found right in the middle of immanence. And that it can be found in surprising places: everyday silence, exercises of attention and intention, mindful and physical daily liturgies, saying thank you often.

What, you expect something else from a guy writing on an iBook in the middle of the coffee house? Go well anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have noticed, for the first time this year, after forty-one of them, how the most deeply thoughtful and sensitive Easter reflections actually come AFTER Easter, rather than before. Easter Monday seems to me, to be a day of great reaping.